Why ChatGPT Generated Code Documentation Isn't A Good Idea
·3 mins
Or at least, not yet.
My SFF NAS Setup of 2023
·10 mins
I built a 17TB Small Form Factor NAS running TrueNAS Scale and more.
Cyberpunk × Dominion × Stable Diffusion
·2 mins
TL;DR - I built the base Dominion deck in a Cyberpunk 2077 theme, using stable diffusion .
Take a look .
Cyberpunk 2077 # I recently started playing Cyberpunk 2077 .
Engineering Principles: Back of the Envelope Calculations
·5 mins
Back-of-the-Envelope Calculations are a powerful tool for quickly choosing effective distributed system designs. This article explains why, how and pitfalls of back-of-the-envelope calculations.
·1 min
This is a meta-poem.